It's here again - another New Year and having never completely adjusted to 2007 and its even more of a shock that its now 08. All in all, 2007 is probably not a year that I'm particularly sorry to see the end of - especially the last few months and all the stresses they contained. That said it did have some good moments and I'll probably look back on some of the travels with a great deal of fondness, having enjoyed visiting the likes of Riga and Budapest. The year also ended on a good note with a fun family Christmas and a very relaxing time in Paris over new year.
So, as the sun sets on one year and rises on another, it inevitably leads to some kind of reflection on the state of one's life. An acknowledgement of mistakes made and a statement of intent to try and do better this time around. Which brings us onto New Year's resolutions. Yes, there are all the usual intentions - to try and spend more time with God, to pray more, etc... Although, thinking about it, at the moment I think I would put it in terms of finding spaces and ways to recognise and acknowledge his presence with me more. And if I'm being honest, I'd also probably add something about stamping my little foot and storming off in a huff less when things don't work out. But overall, to have a greater awareness of God in the mundane and, sometimes trivial, little things of day to day life - that surely can't be a bad thing.
But what else, what other resolutions. Well, slightly silly perhaps, but I started the year by stating a resolution about not letting my friends, colleagues or random strangers (Ok, maybe not the last one) try to match make me. I'm sure they mean well and its comforting to know people want me to be happy, but its often handled in such a way that leads to acute embarassment for all concerned. Plus, the fact is, to be honest, most of them seem to be so bad at it (sorry, one and all, but it is true) and have little or no idea of the type of person that i would genuinely like and get on well with. If there's one thing I've learnt over the last couple of years in this area, its that I need to trust my own best judgment more.
Secondly, I think I should have more fun this year, which kind of speaks for itself.
Thirdly, I think I should challenge myself by doing something new or different - not quite sure what yet, although I have one or two ideas. I think the only new thing I managed last year was having the flat broken into, and thats not something I'd recommend. If anybody has any suggestions do feel free to add them.
Try doing something at work, church or home that you've been meaning to try for a while.
I just suggested something to a client that I've not risked before and they lapped it up. Very happy end to a very short week!
So, what is your type :-)
I shall be blogging about this general subject at some point soon as well.
Alison and I only tried to match make someone once and now they're married with two children and wonderfully happy.
I don't think we'll try again. It's hard to beat that as anything else would be a real let-down.
Thanks for the comments, Dan and Matthew. As to my type - I always say you can't go far wrong with rich and good looking! Theres may be a more serious answer to that, but not one I'm going to put on here.
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