Wednesday 25 January 2012

2012 Oscar Nominations - first thoughts

Part of the fun of the Oscars is all the speculation beforehand, so here are my first thoughts on the nominations and some questions for Oscar. I'm not claiming to have seen all the nominated or overlooked films, but that's never stopped me being opinionated before.

First up, where's the love for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Gary Oldman fully deserves his nomination, but the film is grossly under-represented elsewhere - it's better than at least four of the Best Picture nominations and would be a better shout for Best Director than many.

Best Picture - Midnight in Paris, seriously? Have you watched it? Similarly from the advance reviews - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. The Help was more predictable but arguably no more deserved. No Tinker, Tailor... No Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... No We Need to Talk About Kevin.

Best Director - Woody Allen for Midnight in Paris. Again, that's a joke right? Ahead of Spielberg and Fincher and Alfredson. Did he get to pick the nominees himself?

ActorsDemian Bichir is a surprise (not seen the film, but nice to see a bit of an oddball nomination). Brad Pitt for Moneyball rather than The Tree of Life -  surprising but not necessarily wrong. Can anyone stop Clooney here?

Actresses -  that perennial favourite - how come Viola Davis is up for best lead in The Help when Emma Stone was the lead in that movie, whilst Berenice Bejo is up for best supporting role for her leading role in The Artist? No Tilda Swinton? Its probably down to Maggie vs Marilyn though, and in Hollywood you have to make Marilyn favourite.

Best Animated Film - No pixar and deservedly so - when was the last time that happened?

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