Saturday 14 April 2012

21 Jump Street

Have a few film reviews to catch up with here. So, starting with 21 Jump Street, the latest in the conveyor-belt of big-screen adaptations from long past TV series. To be honest, I don't remember the series being that much of a thing in the UK, but it did lauch the career of a certain Johnny Depp.

As is tranditional in these adaptations, it features the obligatory cameo by the star of the TV series - although in this case it is one of the highlights of the film and wins extra marks for having Depp on the screen for some time before you realise it's actually him.

The film as a whole keeps the central idea of cops going undercover in High School and then just tries to have a laugh with it. The humour varies hugely from some quite witty and "meta" cleverness about reviving old programmes from the 80s and passing them off as new to appear clever. Most of it however is very broad humour (at times going way too far), however it is done with such an endless enthusiasm and energy that it will probably get you laughing for at least some of the running time. It's just that afterwards you might feel a bit embarasssed about laughing at it.

Channing Tatum proves a surprisingly reliable comic hand as one of the cops, whilst Jonah Hill is on less irritating than usual form as his partner. However, it's Ice Cube as the angry black lieutenant ("embrace your stereotypes") who comes close to stealing the whole film.

Overall - 6/10  Done with lots of energy and enthusiasm and the odd moment of inspiration. It's a bit hit and miss, but could be worse.

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