Thursday 23 February 2012

Man on a Ledge

A man checks into an expensive hotel, eats a meal in his room, wipes his prints off everything and then climbs out the window threatening to jump. There follows a tense psychological will-he won't-he thriller as the police try to talk him down. Except there doesn't, no sooner has the premise been established than the filmmakers loe interest in it and cut away to show you what's really going on (just in case you haven't seen the trailer and already know the plot).

You see the man (Sam Worthington) is an ex-cop and escaped prisoner wrongly framed for stealing a huge diamond from an evil businessman (Ed Harris). Whilst the police negotiator (Elizabeth Banks) tries to talk him down, he's more interested in providing a diversion for his brother (Jamie Bell) and his brother's girlfriend (Genesis Rodriguez) to actually steal the diamond and thereby prove his innocence. As plans go this is maybe not the best thought out. Meanwhile Worthington's ex-partner (Anthony Mackie) is wondering creating questions about whose side he's really on (the only question not really answered by the trailer).

Actually, the constant cutting to a new supposed twist probably works in the films favour - the whole thing is ridiculous and doesn't really bear close examination (not least the huge variations in accent in one family), but by constantly shifting the action it's entertaining enough to keep the audience involved.

Sam Worthington's continued popularity as a leading man rather escapes me. It's not that he stinks as an actor, just that he's rather bland. Fortunately he isn't required to carry the film, and the supporting cast are great - Ed Harris chews the scenery delightfully in the bad guy role, Bell and Rodriguez provide most of the comic relief and William Sadler keeps cropping up in random places.

Overall - 6.5/10 It's nonsense, but quite entertaining nonsense.

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