Tuesday 16 November 2010

Too Soon

I was taking a coffee break in a cafe last Monday (which would have been only the 8th November). I'm ashamed to admit that it was one of the big chains - Starbucks in this case - and was horrified that not only did they have all their Christmas merchandise out, but that they were already playing Christmas music - horrible, tacky, sickly sweet (a bit like their cream-laced fancy drinks) versions of well known tracks at that. Too soon, too soon!

Now I can put up with cards and wrapping paper and decorations appearing in shops earlier in the year - there are even some good reasons for this to enable people to plan ahead for posting overseas, etc... I'm not in favour of decorations and lights appearing in November, especially early November, but its a bit easier to ignore that. There is something horribly invasive about music that worms its way into your consciousness evenly if you're not consciously listening (and believe me with this music, why would you?). My tolerance for this kind of music stretches to a few weeks right before Christmas at most. The start of NOvember is way too early, with the smell of bonfires still in the air. Enough, Starbucks, enough - leave us in peace at least until the start of advent, please....

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