Wednesday 16 July 2008

Les Femmes de l'ombre (Female Agents)

Although allegedly inspired by real SOE agents from the Second World War, you come away with the definite sense that the film owes far more to the staples of the movie genre than any sense of actual events. At times it almost comes off as a female (and reduced numbers) version of The Dirty Dozen, with many aspects of the story straining credulity.

The film follows Louise Desfontaines (Sophie Marceau) and the team of agents (Julie Depardieu, Marie Gillain, Maya Sansa, Deborah Francois) she puts together to firstly rescue a British operative and then assassinate the SS colonel who now knows too much about the D-Day landings (Moritz Bleibtreu (Run, Lola, Run; The Experiment)). What follows is the usual mix of successes and blunders, heroic sacrifices, etc... There's not much here thats going to seem new at all. Its easy to shoot holes in the plot which makes much of some small difficulties but has characters disappear in the middle of a station full of Nazi soldiers and re-appear in London.

However, put that to one side, take it as a slightly silly war-based thriller and its an entertaining and well put-together film that will keep you along for the ride through some good set pieces - witness the escape from the hospital or the failed attempt on the metro. Its aided by some strong performances from the women (especially Marceau and Depardieu) and some good interplay between them.

However, the film's strongest point is perhaps Bleibtreu, who manages to humanise the SS colonel without reducing the nastiness of what he does. He manages to tread the line between cartoonish villain and sympathetc figures. If anything, the human touches and intelligence he brings to the part make his cruelty all the more chilling.

Overall - 3/5 It's nonsense, but quite gripping and well-done nonsense, aided by a strong cast on good form.

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